Randy Copeland
Russell Tillis
Bobby Moore
Ocala, Florida
Established 2011
By Laws revised 2013ARTICLE 1 – Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
This Club shall be called the Marion County Bassmasters.
Section 2: Purpose
To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport. To offer our state conservation department our organized moral and political support and encouragement. To promote full adherence to all conservation codes and to demand adequate water standards. To detect and report any polluter and call public and political attention to his crime. Improve our skills as bass anglers through a fellowship of friendly exchange of bass-catching techniques and ideas. Promote and encourage youth fishing and a love for this great recreational sport. To function as a dynamic and effective link with other clubs of the Florida B.A.S.S. Nation embracing the principles and purposes of the Bass Anglers Sportman Society (B.A.S.S.).
ARTICLE II – Membership
Section 1: Number of Members
The Club shall begin with and maintain at least six members.
Section 2: Requirements for Regular Membership
To become a Club Member, a person shall:
Voluntarily express a genuine interest in membership
Be a member of B.A.S.S.
Be 15 years of age or older (under 18 years old requires parent authorization)
Pay all dues on or before the first meeting of each year November.
Present membership has the right to review and refuse applications
Section 3: Membership Dues
Current and past members may pay their dues on or before the first meeting in November. All new members are required to pay dues upon being accepted into the club. All members of Marion County Bassmasters must also be members in good standing with B.A.S.S. (which is the responsibility of each individual member and is not payable to the club), The B.A.S.S. Nation and The Florida B.A.S.S. Nation. The dues for The B.A.S.S. Nation are $30.00 annually and dues for The Florida B.A.S.S. Nation are $25.00 annually. Marion County Bassmasters Dues are $5. All dues are payable to the club Treasurer. Becoming a member of B.A.S.S. is the responsibility of each individual member and is not payable to the club.
A member may not participate in a Club tournament until are dues are paid in full.
Dues are not refundable.
Section 4: Meetings of Members
The membership shall hold regular meetings at pre-established times and locations designated by the President. Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month. At each meeting of the members, the following shall be the order of business:
Reading of the minutes of the preceding meeting
Reports of Officers
Reports of Committees
Special meetings may be called at any time by the President and shall be called within 10 days after the receipt of a written request signed by three members of the Board of Directors or by six active members of the Club.
Section 5: Quorum
A majority of active members present, or ten percent (10%) of the Club’s membership, whichever is smaller, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of business conducted at a general meeting.
For the purpose of conducting the business of the Club’s Board of Directors, sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Board Members shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6: Procedural Rules for Meetings
The rules set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the Club in all meetings in which they are applicable and not in conflict with the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 7: Non-Discrimination
There shall be no discrimination in membership or participation in the activities of this Club by reason of race, creed, color, national origin, or sex.
ARTICLE III – Officers, Elections, Vacancies, and Eligibility
Section 1: Elected Officers and their Duties
The officers of the club shall consist of:
President: Preside over all meetings and direct all official business. Appoint and be ex-officio member of all committees. Supervise all club functions. Serve as a Club representative at The Florida B.A.S.S. Nation meetings.
Vice President: Act as program chairman, assist the president in their duties, and preside in the absence of the President.
Secretary: Maintain accurate minutes of all regular and special meetings as called for by the Club President. Shall carry on all correspondence of the Club, maintain membership, and perform such other duties as may be required by the Board of Directors.
Treasurer: Collect and disburse all monies. Maintain accurate financial records and present a current balance report at each regular meeting. Prepare and annual audit for review by the Club Board of Directors.
Tournament Director: It will be the responsibility of the Tournament Director to plan, organize, and operate all tournaments of the Marion County Bassmasters. Will submit the annual tournament schedule for the upcoming year at the September Board of Directors meeting for final distribution to the members in October. The Tournament Director will rule with final authority on proper conduct, procedures, qualifications and other matters relating to the orderly conduct of such tournaments. The Tournament Director shall appoint a committee to assist in the planning, organizing and operating of all tournaments.
Section 2: Elections
The nomination and elections of officers will be held annually at the general meeting held in October. Election shall be by simple majority of members present. Election for each officer shall be held separately in order listed in ARTICLE III, Section 1. All votes will be cast by secret ballot.
Section 3: Eligibility of Vote
Club Members must have attended three club meetings and also have fished in five club tournaments. Each member is entitled to one vote. Proxy votes are not permitted.
Section 4: Term of Office
The term of office is for one year, which shall begin on November 1st and end on October 31st or until the successor assumes office.
Section 5: Vacancies
In the event of an office becoming vacant, nominations shall be asked for and an election held to fill the unexpired term of the individual vacating the office. The B.A.S.S. Nation Headquarters shall be notified immediately of the change of any officers.
Section 6: Eligibility for Holding Office
To be eligible for an office, a member must:
Been a member for 1-year
Attended at least 50% of the Club functions during the calendar year
Shown an active interest in all Club functions
Maintain current B.A.S.S. membership
Section 7: Club Membership
To become a member of the club, one must fill out an application and be voted in by majority of membership at the monthly meeting.
ARTICLE IV – Standing Committees
All Standing Committees will serve for one year or until a new committee is appointed. The terms of the committee members will coincide with that of the President. Each committee shall elect a chairman.
Members of the club may serve on more than one committee.
Board of Directors: The Board of Directors will consist of seven (7) members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Director, and two members elected at large by majority vote of the members present at the October regular meeting.
The President will call all meetings of the Board of Directors and preside at such meetings.
The Secretary will record the minutes of these meetings.
The board will decide all protests and rule on all violations of tournament rules and bylaws of the Club when appropriately received.
The board will develop agendas for the monthly meetings.
Tournament Committee: Will be headed by the Tournament Director. The purpose of the tournament committee shall be to plan, organize and operate all Club tournaments. The committee will draft tournament rules that must then be approved by the general membership. The committee will keep tournament records, enforce all tournament rules, and investigate all protests concerning tournaments and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Tournament Schedule for the upcoming year will be selected by and voted on by the club members.
By-Laws Committee: Consists of the Board of Directors and is responsible for collecting and reviewing any proposed changes to the Constitution or By-Laws, Any member desiring a change in Constitution or By-Laws shall present them to this committee prior to introducing them to the general membership.
Youth Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to organize all youth activities and programs supported by the club. It will coordinate an open tournament event at least once a year. It will be responsible for the operations of the Junior Club of Marion County Bassmasters and will plan, organize, and implement a youth program that will introduce young people to the goals of B.A.S.S.; to give them a basis for respect of our national heritage, an appreciation of the basic rules of honesty, integrity, fair play and good sportsmanship; and to give them an introduction to the sheer joy of fishing.
ARTICLE V – Removal of Membership
A member can be dropped from the membership roll for the following reasons:
Failure to pay dues
Any action that would reflect dishonor and disgrace on this Club and/or B.A.S.S.
Disqualification for any reason from participating in B.A.S.S. sponsored events, including disqualification for use of non-prescription or illegal drugs or consumption of alcohol during tournament hours.
Any act such as littering, destruction of private property, trespassing without right, blatant dishonesty, theft, unsafe boating, continued disrespect and disregard of others rights, shall be construed as a breach of unsportsmanlike conduct and constitute a just a proper grievance.
Any member, either by personal observation or by reliable report, may file a written, signed complaint to the Board of Directors who shall review and pass judgement against any other member for alleged breaches of conduct. The Board may decree probation, suspension or dismissal.
ARTICLE VI – Affiliation
Section 1: Requirements for Affiliation
Approval of Club Charter by B.A.S.S.
Update B.A.S.S. with a Club membership roster once each year
Names and addresses of new members joining the Club during the year must be submitted to B.A.S.S. as they occur
Maintain 100% B.A.S.S. Membership
Must affiliate with the Florida B.A.S.S. Nation and support its conservation, youth programs, and any additional requirements that it establishes
ARTICLE VII – Method of Amending Bylaws
Section 1: Amending the ByLaws
The Constitution and By-Laws will be reviewed by the By-Laws Committee yearly. A final draft of any amendments or changes will be provided to the membership in September for discussions. The membership will vote on the Constitution and By-Laws for the following year in October. A copy of the new Constitution and By-Laws will be distributed to each member after any changes.
The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at the October meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present that hold voting power, provided written notice of the proposed has been presented to the By-Laws Committee for review and the general memberships has had at least one regular meeting prior to the vote to review the proposed change.
ARTICLE VIII – Tournament Rules
Tournament Rules will be prepared by the Tournament Committee of this Club. Tournament rules must be voted on and accepted by the general membership.
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